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24 September 2006

Welcome to the new!

A year ago, I finally bit the bullet and made a real web site. I never got around to it for the longest time because I thought it would be either too hard or pricey, but I am glad I sunk enough time into learning that neither are necessarily true. Well... by learning the hard way.

This site started out on GoDaddy, but I quickly found out that that was a total mistake. Not only was it incredibly expensive, but also incredibly limiting. Had I stayed with my captors, it would have been over $250 a year to have a very restricted website that I'm not allowed to do anything with! After getting sick and tired of being automatically charged an exorbitant amount of money for something I didn't really even want, I finally looked around and found OVHcloud and Dynadot, which let me do ANYTHING I wanted with my website... and for a small fraction of the cost.

However, I didn't have anything to help me with making my site... just Notepad, my bare hands, and HTML tutorials. While it is empowering to create something entirely on your own like that, it can be limiting if you are just starting out...


The old site

So the site sat there for about a year because I wasn't interested in developing it anymore. It was too much work to get even simple things accomplished, so it went on the back burner.

That is until I found out about FrontPage 98! Finally there is a tool that will let me build a site without having to write every line of HTML by hand, but still allows for the customization I need. I spent the entire weekend making the new site, and here we are now. It is still under construction, but I am sure it will get a lot more development than the last. More cool things are soon to come... :-)



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